Mailing: PO Box 2125 Longmont, CO 80502 | Meetings: 527 Main Street Longmont 10am Sunday Service | Weds. 6:30pm Prayer

Ocean Commotion VBS

Welcome to Ocean Commotion! Your kids will have a boat load of fun learning about the Ocean and Noah’s Ark!

  • July 17th-21st (M-F) from 9:00-11:30
  • Kids 4-12
  • FREE T-Shirt!
  • Christ Church Intl – 527 Main Street in Longmont, CO

Register your kids now! Call 303-772-5996

Ocean Commotion: At this monumental Vacation Bible School program, your kids will dive deep into the account of Noah and the Flood from the book of Genesis! They’ll learn to apply the spiritual lessons from Noah’s life to their own. And, along the way, they’ll uncover earthly lessons from the Flood: how all the animals fit on the Ark, how the Flood covered the whole Earth, and how we can still see the effects of this Flood today. They’ll also learn that the flood legends from around the world are based on the true account in Genesis!

Event Date Title Location Map
Jul 17, 2017 - 9:00 am Ocean Commotion VBS View


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