Mailing: PO Box 2125 Longmont, CO 80502 | Meetings: 527 Main Street Longmont 10am Sunday Service | Weds. 6:30pm Prayer

Discipleship Classes – Sundays 9am

If you are hungry to grow more in your faith, join us every Sunday 9am in the Bible School Room for our latest Discipleship Class.

Adult Discipleship Class

  • OCT – The Book of James
  • AUG-SEPT – The Book of James
  • MAY – Answers in Genesis: Evidence For Your Faith
  • APRIL – Praying to Get Results (Kenneth Hagin)
  • MARCH – Blessing Our Cursing You Can Choose (Derek Prince)
  • FEBRUARY – The Divine Exchange (Derek Prince)

Kids Discipleship Class (Unwavering Arrows)

  • Kids learn from the Answers in Genesis curriculum and learn new Memory Verses.


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