Mailing: PO Box 2125 Longmont, CO 80502 | Meetings: 527 Main Street Longmont 10am Sunday Service | Weds. 6:30pm Prayer

Register Now for VBS 2019

Christ Church International invites your children to come travel around the world and discover God’s unfailing love for ALL the nations.

They’ll discovered that no matter where we live, what shade of skin we have, or what language we speak, we are all part of the same race– the human race– and we are all part of the same family beginning with Adam and Eve.

This Vacation Bible School event is open to children ages 4-12 and it’s FREE! The Incredible Race is Answers In Genesis curriculum and will help build a solid Biblical foundation for your kids.

Info: Ages 4-12. VBS goes from 9-11:30am, Monday-Friday (July 15th-19th).

To Register >> Click Here <<

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Or call: (303) 772-5996


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